Martian seniors drive to keep last day tradition alive

Goodrich- Dirt bikes and tractors littered Goodrich High School’s lawn on Friday, June 1. Following tradition, Goodrich seniors arrived at school on unusual forms of transportation in honor of their last day.
‘Seniors have been doing this for 20 years or more,? said Al Martus, retired assistant principal.
Mike Ellis, high school assistant principal, stood watch in the parking lot.
‘I understand that it’s a long tradition,? Ellis said. ‘It used to be tractors and horses. Now there’s a much bigger potential for danger, but as long as nobody gets hurt, I’ll be happy.?
Paul Burt, high school senior, experienced the danger on his four-wheeler. Driving down the Gale Road sidewalk, Burt caught unexpected air over a bump.
‘It scared the heck out of me,? Burt said while he caught his breath. ‘But I made it here, so it was all worth it.?
While some seniors thrived on the thrill of the experience, others felt the legacy of the event.
‘My brother did this as a senior, so I knew what I wanted to do this year,? said Adam Leppek as he parked his go-cart.
No injuries were sustained during the senior celebration.
‘Now I just want everyone to arrive safely at graduation,? Ellis said.