Miller’s Greenhouse

While it’s only 17 degrees outside, an inviting sign outside of Miller Greenhouse says, ‘It’s 72 degrees and warm inside.?
How true that is. Once inside the greenhouse, the warm humidity and fresh smell of soil promised that the flourishing colors of spring are soon to come.
Bring it on, because the owners of Miller Greenhouse, Kristy Haselhuhn and Rick Malone, are ready.
In October 2002, Haselhuhn and Malone combined their horticultural growing experience and purchased the 22-year landmark greenhouse, at 6482 Perry Road, in Grand Blanc.
Both have quickly settled into their roles as owners of the best local greenhouse in the area. Coming through the Christmas season, the pair are ready for Easter and the showy blooms of spring.
Not to miss the tradition of putting together hundreds of showy poinsettias for the Genesys Hospital Christmas tree, Haselhuhn and Malone dove in without skipping a beat, to make sure the tree held up to the Miller Greenhouse name.
Both Kristy and Rick are from the area and grateful for the opportunity to be the local supplier of beauty through flowers. Both bringing their own expertise to the greenhouse.
Kristy, the floral artist, is ready to add luxurious cascading color to a summer garden with baskets, planters or tubs full of geraniums or a wide variety of other colorful annual flowers. She can also proved assistance in planning splashes of color in a rich perennial garden.
Visit the greenhouse to start a vibrant spring garden of tulips and hyacinth, or select from a wide variety of perennial plants and ornamental grasses.
Add interest and depth to landscaping with a variety of Miller designed yard planters and tubs.
Both Haselhuhn and Malone said they are looking forward to encouraging the beauty of spring with multitudes of color from their rows and rows of plants and expertise in the tradition of quality enjoyed from Miller Greenhouse in the past.
Miller Greenhouse is located at 6482 Perry Road, Grand Blanc, MI 48439. Contact them at (810) 694-9462.