Most wasteful ‘pork? spending imaginable

Dear Editor,
I am shocked and disgusted that Wall Street has not been held accountable for the money they have wasted and never been questioned about. How could they then have been given more money after they threw away billions of our dollars on the most wasteful ‘pork? spending imaginable?
We have to turn the tides and demand that we know where every red cent is going. Why has it been looked over and why have heads been turned the other way for so long?
We have hundreds of thousands of people out of work and losing more jobs every day and these executives on Wall Street are living the high life with our money. It has to stop now. Washington has a responsibility and a duty to take a stand and hold these people accountable and question their every move, because they cannot be trusted.We have allowed this to go on for too long. Everyone needs to find their voice, and use it. Whether you are happy with the outcome of the past presidential election or not, no one can deny that a grassroots movement can move mountains when everyone works together toward a common goal.
This is our money as taxpayers and we should have a say where it goes, or at least know where it is going when it is being given out.
Sarah Parasiliti
Brandon Township