Mt. Bethel United Methodist Church at 170 years

Groveland Twp.- In the winter of 1837, Rev. Smith, a Methodist pastor, traveled through the wooded, rolling township countryside’gathering for services in the homes of a few settlers to the region.
Church records include the pioneer names of Cogshall and Ogden’about seven families comprised the first church class, later named by the Ogdens for Mt. Bethel, N.J., their home prior to moving to the township. In 1840, a log church was built near the intersection of Jossman and Bald Eagle Lake roads.
Today, the old log church is gone and generations of families have passed, but the Mt. Bethel United Methodist Church, 3209 Jossman Road, continues to serve the rural township area. To recognize the 170-year history of the church, a celebration was held on Sept. 9.
Township resident Marvin Scramlin, 62, a life-long member of the congregation, recalls some of the history of Mt. Bethel Church. Scramlin says the original 22-foot-by-32-foot log church existed about 100 yards south of the Mt. Bethel Cemetery, facing a swampy area.
‘We’ve farmed that area of ground and have yet to find any signs of the old log cabin church,? said Scramlin. ‘The swamp is there and the ground is pretty high for a building.?
Marvin also recalled the July 14, 1947 fire, caused by a lighting strike, that destroyed the New England-style church built in 1872.
‘My dad, William Scramlin, arrived at the old church after the fire,? said Marvin. ‘He told us that only the stone foundation remained when he arrived. Years later, when we were pouring a new sidewalk, we found the old footings of the church. They are still underground.?
Marvin’s mother, Maurine Scramlin, 91, joined the church in 1933 and remembers the church falling on hard times during the Depression era of the 1930s.
Maurine told Marvin that no church pastor was serving when she joined the church 64 years ago and Lillian Wright, a long-time member, was named superintendent of the church and organized the services.
Maurine also said that following the fire, the church continued to meet at a structure near Dixie Highway and Oak Hill Road, known to locals as Austin Corners.
The present church was completed on July 24, 1949 and has been upgraded over the years.