OCSO reporting increase in student vaping

By Shelby Stewart
Staff Writer
Oakland County Sheriff’s Office is asking parents to be more vigilant with checking if their children are using vape products.
“We have an uptick in kids vaping within the middle school and high school,” said OCSO Brandon Substation commander Lt. Greg Glover. “Our school resource officer has had a major uptick in kids found to be in possession of contraband that is not allowed on any school property, let alone inside the buildings. The vaping is out of control.”
Glover said that while it is against school rules to have any vape products on school property, kids are doing it anyway and don’t seem to care about the rules. He also said OCSO has been writing minor in possession tickets if minors are caught with vape products.
“I’m just asking parents to start checking their son’s and daughter’s backpacks and their vehicles for items like that to make sure they are not going to be bringing them to school,” he said. “It is illegal for any of those students to be in possession of the electronic vapes. And it is against the school district policies to have them on school property at all, let alone inside the buildings.”

The vape pens can contain vape juice, the liquid that is turned to vapor, but it is also possible for them to contain marijuana wax or THC. Some of them can also contain more nicotine than cigarettes. The vapor will also generally leave a tacky fog on the glass inside of vehicles, and often leave a sweet or berry smell.
“The kids are aware of the rules within the school system, but these kids are trying to interpret the rules and how it affects them,” said Glover. “It’s not up for interpretation. The rules are the rules.”

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