Police files


Fri., May 11 Deputies were dispatched to the U.S. Border Patrol in Detroit after Border Patrol officials picked up a 56-year-old Lake Orion man with a felony warrant out of Independence Township.
The band director at a private school filed a police report claiming about a dozen of the school’s band instruments were stolen between April 19-24.
A 60-year-old Independence Township business owner filed an embezzlement report after discovering a previous employee was not making cash deposits as required. The owner claimed the company lost about $7,372.
A 69-year-old man living in the 2500 block of Mann Road filed a police report claiming someone stole jewelry valued at about $5,000 from his mother’s dresser.
Sat., May 12 Deputies issued a homeowner in the 7900 block of Perry Lake Road a township ordinance violation due to the incessant barking of a dog.
Sun., May 13 A 30-year-old Independence Township man was arrested and jailed on a felony warrant after he was pulled over on a traffic violation.
Mon., May 14 Deputies were dispatched to a salon on Dixie Highway when a caller reported a physical altercation between two female employees fighting over a long-standing family problem.
A 39-year-old female living in the 5400 block of Chanto Drive called police after discovering that an unknown person spread several food products over and in the vehicles parked in her driveway, as well as on the exterior of her home.
Tues., May 15 A 50-year-old Port Huron woman filed a police report claiming someone stole jewelry valued at $11,665 while she was doing a craft show at Clarkston High School. The woman said many people were around as her daughter waited by the curb with the packed jewelry. She thought another vendor might have picked it up by accident.
A resident living in the 10000 block of Horse Shoe Circle called police to complain about an abandoned home in the neighborhood.
Wed., May 16 Deputies were dispatched to a business on Sashabaw Road after a business owner reported suspected embezzlement by an employee who was using a calculator, rather than the cash register, to total merchandise.
Thurs., May 17 a 16-year-old female living in the 5000 block of Drayton called police after receiving several harassing phone calls in which an intoxicated-sounding male indicated he could see her.
Fri., May 18 Deputies were dispatched to assist Michigan State Police with a car fire on southbound I-75 north of Sashabaw Road.

Springfield Township

Springfield Township
Thurs., May 10 A 34-year-old Springfield Township man was arrested and jailed on domestic assault charges after an argument with his wife became physical.
Sat., May 12 A 37-year-old Burton man driving in Springfield Township was arrested and jailed on a Friend of the Court warrant after he was pulled over on a traffic violation.
Deputies were dispatched to the 3000 block of Montclair after a caller reported 3 male walking around the neighborhood peering into cars with flashlights. No one was present when police arrived, but two backpacks were found in a yard. Both bags were later claimed by a resident who said they were stolen from his car that night.
Sun., May 13 Three Springfield Township deputies were dispatched to assist Michigan State Police with a fight at a convenience store in Groveland Township.
A 36-year-old woman called police after the former boyfriend of her 16-year-old daughter showed up at the house. Both youth were on probation and forbidden contact with one another.
A 42-year-old Springfield Township woman reported an unknown person had stolen her purse, which contained credit cards and identification. The woman was not sure when the purse went missing, but said she last remembered having it at a grocery store near Sashabaw Road and Maybee Road.
Mon., May 14 Deputies were dispatched to the dead end of Cobblestone Lane east of Dixie Highway when a resident reported an abandoned vehicle parked off the roadway with its front end in Bridge Lake. Police impounded the vehicle, which was reported stolen.
A 46-year-old Springfield Township woman reported someone entered her mobile home while she was away and apparently cooked a steak and took a shower. The woman said she only occasionally lives in the home, and suspected her son’s teenage friends of the deed.
A 51-year-old man living in the 8900 block of Clarridge reported finding a Huffy mountain bike near a dumpster on his property. Police transported the vehicle to the OCSO property room.
Deputies were dispatched to the 17100 block of Kropf when a woman awoke and saw someone attempting to enter her home. A canine track resulted in the apprehension of a highly intoxicated neighbor who went out for a walk and returned to the wrong house.
A 50-year-old Springfield Township man was arrested and jailed on domestic assault charges after an argument with his 39-year-old girlfriend became physical. Police had been at the same residence less than 24-hours previously on a similar call.
A 49-year-old female living in the 9600 block of Klaus Drive reported an unknown person broke out the driver’s side window in a car she recently purchased for her son. Nothing was missing from the vehicle.
Deputies were dispatched for family trouble when an argument between a 36-year-old man and his 32-year-old former wife became heated.
A 17-year-old female was arrested and transported to Oakland County Jail on domestic assault charges after an argument with her mother became physical.
Wed., May 16 A 43-year-old Springfield Township man reported receiving threatening phone calls from his brother, who demanded money.