Reader invites ‘order of crow

Well, well, well.
We have a convert, friends.
A new member of the club has stepped up from the rabble to join us and move forward.
Somebody who didn’t agree with and or understand our motives now sees things differently. As always, it is only a matter of time.
No, no, no.
Oscar-winning documentarian Michael Moore did not apologize for his comments a few weeks ago. No, Barbara Streisand is not singing a concert in support of President George W. Bush. And, sadly, no, the Dixie Chicks are still embarrassed about being American.
Nothing quite like that.
What we have is an all-American male coming to grips with parenthood. From the swinging bachelor days, to wedded bliss, to the holy sacrament of bringing forth live. Another man is now a dad.
I know this, because last week I received a letter of apology from Dan Stanko of Leonard. And, rather than sum it up, I’ll let Dan’s letter stand on its own. He’s a good writer and captured the moment of his story quite well. I think readers will enjoy it.

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Dear Don,
If you would let me, I would like to make a public apology.
My wife and I for the longest time have been a couple of DINKS (Dual Income No Kids), not that there is anything wrong with that. I cannot speak for my wife (Laura) who has always been a good person with a heart. I, on the other hand am a different story. I would read your column about your family life, hear tales of woe from friends with kids and roll my eyes. I even had a dad tell me that if the song, “Butterfly Kisses” is played on the radio, he starts crying! I laughed when I heard this. (To myself of course, no sense in embarrassing him and making the guy feel like a fool.)
That all changed on March 13, 2003 at 7:14 p.m. when my wife gave birth to our first child. A six pound, three ounce baby girl, Danielle Lee.
One order of crow here, please!
As part of my public apology to parents everywhere, I would like to share this story (it’s public humiliation, but that’s okay because it’s my humility I’m talking about.)
When the midwife showed me my child and told me to tell my wife what she had, I with tears of joy streaming down my face and with a cracked voice said, “It’s a boy!”
The midwife said, “Huh?”
After a second look I said, “I mean it’s a girl!”
My poor wife . . .
You see when I had looked the first time the umbilical cord was between the child’s legs. (Cut me some slack people, I’ve never done this before.)
So to all the parents’ out there — I apologize for my ignorance. Until you have walked a mile (or around the house at 3 a.m. umteen times with a colicky baby) in parents shoes, please keep your yap shut!
The Good Lord has let my wife and I into that special club known as parenthood and we could not be more grateful!
Dan Stanko, Leonard
PS: please forgive any mistakes (no sleep will do this)
PSS: thanks to everyone at Troy Beaumont
PSSS: prayers are welcome (big time)!
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Welcome aboard, Dan and Laura and congratulations. You will be witness to one of God’s special gifts, watching a young child grow and blossom. You’ll also be able to watch your kid eat dirt, pick her nose, play with her own body waste.
You’ll laugh and smile with her and at her. You’ll cry when she hurts and worry about whether or not you’re raising her right. Hug her, and kiss her, squeeze her and tickle her.
Take lots of pictures and write down all the fun stories of her life — save them not only for her, but for yourselves.
Comments for that old softy, Daddy Don can be e-mailed to: