May 5-9 is the annual Staff Appreciation Week for Clarkston Community Schools. During this week, parents organize events in recognition of the personal and professional contributions of teachers and school staff.
Officials said the district has dedicated professionals who teach, transport, supervise, counsel, feed, coach, guide and provide a clean, safe environment for 7,925 students.
Special activities include:
? Springfield Elementary Student Council will sponsor a staff brunch and the PTO will provide a staff luncheon.
? Bailey Lake Elementary has encouraged parents to send notes of appreciation. The principal sends a personalized, inspirational poem to every staff member.
? Clarkston Elementary staff will be treated to a lunch catered by the school’s food service department and a morning coffee bar from the LaPerfecto Cappucino Bar. Also, the PTO has assigned each staff member a secret pal.
? Sashabaw Middle School PTA will provide a breakfast.
? Independence Elementary PTO will show appreciation for the staff with three staff lunches, other treats, small gifts and notes of appreciation.
? North Sashabaw Elementary PTO will sponsor a staff appreciation luncheon and will have students make cards for the staff.