Shopping Downtown Ortonville

By Shelby Stewart-Soldan
Staff Writer
Ortonville— Tomorrow, Feb. 4, three downtown businesses are hosting small events.

It’s the Little Things, 431 Mill St., will have a kid’s craft and game area until 3 p.m. with gifts, grab bags and snacks. August Grace Interiors, 449 Mill St., is hosting three vendors including Momma’s Boujee Boutique, Red Aspen nails, and All you Knead homemade bake shop. Impact North will be celebrating their 5-year anniversary with giveaways, specials and three vendors including the beauty brand Crunchi, H and H Sisterly Creations, and Yang’s Macarons.

“We wanted to do something with the kids. They love our store because we stock up on candy and have all the toys and games,” said Lisa Paynter, owner of It’s The Little Things. “We don’t really do anything from Christmas until it gets nice outside, and with how slow it is and seeing businesses around us close, we had to do something to bring people in and downtown.”

Paynter said in addition to the free crafts and games, there will also be a balloon twister for the kids to get free balloons from.

“We love when the kids come in with their parents, they really like the store and we really like seeing them,”
said Paynter.

Just down the street at August Grace Interiors, Sarah Armstrong of Momma’s Boujee Boutique coordinated the vendor event in hopes of supporting small businesses.

“I’m a huge supporter of shopping at small businesses and think it’s really important for us to all work together as much as we can,” said Armstrong. “In the era of big box stores the little guys are getting snuffed out. Our downtown and its vendors have so much to offer and are commonly forgotten or over-looked.”

Vendors will be at August Grace Interiors until 3 p.m., and the event can be found on the August Grace Interiors Facebook Page.

“The more we can put together events as a group the better chance we all have to thrive,” she said. “Working to help put money in our local economy is really important to me, and I hope by getting some of our small shops and vendors together more frequently that we can bring back more life to downtown.”

And down at Impact North, 417 Mill St., owner Tara Jackson is celebrating their fifth anniversary with vendors, drink specials, and three more local vendors.

“I want to thank the community for showing us so much love for the past five years,” said Jackson. “I am excited to continue to bless the community with a healthy option on the go.”

Jackson began working with the previous owner Merritt Dietz four years ago and took on ownership shortly after.

“The community of Ortonville has been so accepting and welcoming,” she said. “I loved the small town feel. I enjoy getting to know all of my customers and their family. My regulars have become friends and family. I personally have chosen to stay at Impact North even though I now live 45 minutes away because of the community. I have built friendships, relationships, and enjoy providing healthy optionsto everyone.”

Visit Impact North, Little Things Ortonville, and August Grace Interiors on Facebook for event information.

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