Speak out on village election time

As reported in the Oct. 20 edition of The Lake Orion Review, the Village of Lake Orion will no longer be able to conduct its annual March general election per a new state law.
A hearing to listen to public input is scheduled for Nov. 8. during the village council meeting at the village hall.
Village council members have to determine whether to have village elections in September in odd- numbered years or in November in even-numbered years. If held in September, the village will conduct the election. If in November, Orion Township will conduct the election and charge the village for the cost of it.
Options that council members will have to determine are whether to have an election with four year/two year staggered terms; two year terms, not staggered; four year terms, not staggered.
Both LO Village Clerk Arlene Nichols and LO Village Manager JoAnn Van Tassel have recommended the village election take place in September in odd numbered years and that the terms be four years/two year staggered.