St. Joe students earn spot in international competition

St. Joseph School is very proud to announce two Destination Imagination teams from the school are going to the Global Competition. Both of these teams placed first in their divisions at state finals.
Gretchen Altenberger, Aubrie Sweeney, McKenna Carron, Christina Boydston, Rachel Warstler, Taylor Warstler and Lyndsey Welper make up the fourth and fifth grade team, coached by Jeri Altenberger and Cora Sweeney.
In their challenge, Instinct Messaging, the theatrical presentation demonstrates creature communications using a featured creature, two real methods of communication, and three-dimensional set pieces that depict the creature’s habitat.
Seventh grade team members are Alaina Richter, Megan Ward, Julia Grenier, Nickie Cox, Austin Krysmalski, Gabe Wrobel and Tara Wesolowski, coached by Tom and Nancy Wrobel, assisted by Karen Thornton.
Taking on the Private DI challenge, this team had to create an improvisational skit about the origin of a randomly selected superstition integrating one of potentially 20 sleuths and three of six potential film genres.
The Global finals will take place in Knoxville, TN from May 20 to 23. St. Joe’s kids will compete against students from across the US and more than 10 other countries.
Team members have been busy fundraising to earn the $650 fee it costs for each participant. To donate, please call the school.