Straight to the Horses mouth

Brandon Twp.- Diet didn’t appear to concern three Frosty Boy visitors recently, even though they weigh about 1,000 pounds each.
The trio munched happily, putting away in short order about 15 cones and nudging hands eagerly as they looked for more.
Swan and Indiana Jones, Tennessee walking horses, and Bunny, a Morgan horse, had walked six miles to get to the Frosty Boy and enjoy their treats-a nice change from their usual diet of grass.
Their owners, Debbie Wagner, Lorene Mollenhour, and Leigh Fitzpatrick, rode them to the establishment at ?? Ortonville Road on Sept. 2 as an early celebration of Labor Day.
‘We wanted to use horsepower instead of gas,? said Mollenhour.
Fitzpatrick said it wasn’t a gas protest, even though prices at the pump were topping $3.
‘It’s just an excuse to get out on our horses and head to Frosty Boy,? she says. ‘We figured if police stopped us we could tell them we couldn’t afford gas.?
Their ride from Mollenhour’s horse farm on Thayer Road in Groveland Township took about an hour and 20 minutes.
The horses? owners, who Wagner described as ‘saddle tramps,? enjoyed treats too-a caramel sundae, banana royale, and fat-free yogurt-the dairy the horses couldn’t have.
Frosty Boy owner Joanne King was not surprised by her visitors.
‘People bring guinea pigs and iguanas, and dogs, of course,? says King, motioning toward photos of various animals on the windows of Frosty Boy. ‘But these are our biggest customers.?