‘String of amazing coincidences?

Dear Editor,
(In response to: ‘Area crooks: ‘we’ve had enough,?? The Citizen, Nov. 29, page 7) I would like to thank The Citizen newspaper so much for publishing my Letter to the Editor. Since it was published, we have received many phone calls from people wishing us well.
I am also writing to let you know that a string of amazing coincidences have occurred since the letter was published.
Three days after my letter appeared in The Citizen, a nice man named Randy Davisson called. He, a former Ortonville resident who drove his horses and wagon across the state, was featured in an article by Staff Writer Susan Bromley (From west to east and back, state crossing sets new record, The Citizen, Nov. 29, page 3). He normally doesn’t read The Citizen because he lives in Oxford, but this time he picked up a copy to see the article about his horses. That copy also contained my letter.
He, like the other people, called to offer words of support in the wake of our theft. He then went on to inform us that his daughter had been driving down Dunlap Road in Oxford and she noticed a snowplow sitting in the driveway of an abandoned house. Both Randy and his daughter found it peculiar that the plow appeared out of nowhere and continued to stay there, untouched, even after the first snowstorm. He wondered if it might be ours. We called the police, and sure enough, it was! The crooks who stole it are still on the lam, but at least a good, useful piece of equipment has been recovered!
It seems that a series of independent events, when put in sequence, has brought about tremendous results. Thanks once again to the staff of The Citizen, Randy Davisson and his daughter. It’s fantastic people like these that make our community a great one!
Andrea Austin