Thank you Tony Rothchild

Oakland County residents and students lost a dedicated public servant, proven innovative planner and progressive thinker with the resignation of Intermediate School District board member Tony Rothschild. As our former Lake Orion School District president and trustee for over 10 years, Tony helped with like minded board members to create a world class school district in every detail academically, institutionally, culturally, environmentally and recreationally.
Is it Shangri-La? No. But it offers district children from every social-economical background the opportunity to achieve and to have a chance to excel by utilizing the best educational instructors and facilities America has to offer in our day and age.
Through dedication, team building, community input, and networking Tony’s and his fellow board members legacy is seen daily when our children walk through the doors of our second-to-none high-tech schools. Which are substantiated by national recognition and acclaimed for its Blue Ribbon schools and innovative programs.
More importantly, the board members great sacrifice in time and educational pursuits of excellence for our children will be seen and felt for generations through our children who go on to succeed in a competitive global economy with the knowledge, training and problem solving skills they received at Lake Orion Schools.
Lastly, thank you Tony for increasing our property value. As homeowners we understand the value of a good educational system and that Lake Orion schools are the envy and benchmark of school districts nationally and when people look for a quality education for their children…Lake Orion receives outstanding ratings, which only adds value to our investment.
We are indebted for your sacrifice with no personal or capital gain other than for the joy of service to your fellow citizens! And thanks for leaving us with a progressive school board of like-minded individuals to continue your great tradition of service and forward thinking.
P.S. Lake Orion school district has the lowest drop out rate of any school district in the state of Michigan…wish I was a kid again…it would be great to go to schools with so much depth, diversity and community support!
Mac Deuparo