To the fair, to the fair

Fun seekers braved the heat and humidity last week to enjoy the sights, sounds, and thrills of the Oakland County Fair.
The fair opened on Friday at 4 p.m.
The Oakland County Fair continues this week, with events and activities through Sunday.
Thursday is Oakland County Parks and Rec Day with free parking with the Oakland County Parks Annual Sticker. It is also Special Needs Day, with free rides from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Friday is Toddler Day with a Diaper Derby/Toddler Trot at 12 p.m. For teens, enjoy a free dance at 10 p.m. on Saturday. Sunday is Family Fun Day and the fair will close for the season at 9 p.m.
For more information, please go to

Slushy and snowy roads could not deter Springfield Plains Elementary students and their families from enjoying the school fair, Feb. 11.
They played games and showed off their skills in golf, football and if they could conquer several challenges in a minute.
The students also had to sing their way out of the Oakland County Jail and take a chance for a cake or a fish.

Though it was chilly, families headed to the Labor Day Fair at First Congregational Church in Clarkston, Sept. 5.
Children enjoyed playing midway games, the moon walk, as well as going on pony rides and seeing animals at the petting zoo.
The fair also included a car show, rummage sale, bake sale and lots of tasty, delicious food to enjoy.

Kids of all ages flocked to Springfield Oaks County Park last week for the Oakland County Fair.
Many enjoyed the fun and delight of going on amusement park rides and playing carnival games while also visiting animals and exhibits in the various barns throughout the park.
Each day brought more exciting events plus a chance to eat more food.