Two new candidates for school board

Lake Orion residents William Holt and Angela Nasso have filed for School Board candidacy in the upcoming Nov. 6 election. Both Holt and Nasso filed without party affiliation.
Nasso is a mother of four Lake Orion students. She has children at the elementary, middle school, and high school level. She said she is motivated to run for the school board simply to ‘protect what we have. Lake Orion is different than a lot of districts. We have a good thing going and we have to protect that.?
She endorses the decisions made by the current school board, and doesn’t seek to overturn any of their initiatives. ‘There are a lot of tough choices to be made, and the current board is making them. I think they are doing a great job,? she said.
Her challenger, William Holt, is father of two LOHS graduates. Holt has lived in Michigan since 1993, and Lake Orion since 2000. He said his primary objective if elected is to ‘make Lake Orion Schools the best in the state.?
Holt is also the owner of Tubular Products Company, a small manufacturer of fluid handling components. As a business owner and a chair of charitable board, he believes ‘a business voice on the board would probably be a positive thing.?
Last year Holt led the fight against the school bond issue last year, finding it to be an ‘inappropriate way to spend.?
Beyond controversies over resource allocation, the bigger issue Holt sees is a lack of local control. ‘Decisions about curriculum need to be made by the parents and the teachers, and not by bureaucrats in Lansing and Washington,? he said.
Oct. 9 is the last day for voter registration. Candidates for school board may apply to run as a write-in candidate no later than Oct 26 at 4 p.m.
The election will take place on Tuesday, November 6. For questions about voting in Orion Twp., please contact the County Clerk’s office at 248-391-0304.