Are you a Trumpster?

Dear Editor,

Trumpster: noun: one who is reliably authoritarian and believes the country’s ills are the fault of immigrants, pushy women, people of color and an over-reaching government; rhymes with dumpster.

You might be a Trumpster if you share in the delusion that a billionaire with a history of failed business ventures and fraudulent consumer rip offs is fighting for the little guy.

You might be a Trumpster if you have a nostalgic, gauzy view of 1954.

You might be a Trumpster if you want to take America back- back to segregated lunch counters and laws against birth control.

You might be a Trumpster if you believe science is a fraud.

You are definitely a Trumpster if you choose to react emotionally to the 2016 election rather than do the hard homework our democracy needs.

You might be a Trumpster if you embrace deliberate ignorance and reject rational argument.

You might be a Trumpster if you don’t recognize the danger in straight armed salutes pledging loyalty to a leader.

You might be a Trumpster if you mistake this “fun house mirror of an election” for thoughtful democracy.

You might be a Trumpster if you regard crude boorish rantings as authenticity.

You might be a Trumpster if you base your vote on racial or ethnic resentment.

You might be a Trumpster if you think it is ok to respond to protests with physical violence.

You might be a Trumpster if you agree whining Kindergarten logic (He started it!) is a legitimate response to adult conflict.

You are without a doubt a Trumpster if you think it is a good idea to give nuclear launch codes to a thin-skinned, clownish juvenile lacking impulse control.

Add them up. Are you a Trumpster?

                          Bonnie Beltramo

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