The Lake Orion Youth Baseball League (LOYBL) 14 and Under tournament team recently completed a successful season with a first place finish in the North Branch Recreation League Tournament. With solid pitching, great defense and hard hitting, the team was able to finish 5-0 and outscore their opponents by a combined total of 73-10. The team finished 11-3 on the tournament season, with a first at North Branch, second at Mayville and third at Millington. Pictured are, front row: AJ Gill, Brant Parker, Andrew Carpenter, Jeremy Peshl, Scott Biringer, Toby Barringer, coach Gary Parker; back row: Coach Russ Gill, coach Bernie Biringer, Drew Ordakowski, Kevin Kelly, Scott Watza, Brandon Oakes, Ryan Barringer, Michael Denemy, Dominic Saigh and coach Ron Peshl.
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