$35K (and counting) raised for teens’ funeral

Tragedy has a way of bringing out the best in people by opening their hearts to the suffering of others and motivating them to reach out, be it with a kind word or a few dollars.
As the rest of the world focuses its attention on helping the impoverished island nation of Haiti recover from a devastating earthquake, Oxford’s been focusing its efforts on helping two grieving families lay to rest three young ladies and begin the healing process.
On the snowy morning of Jan. 11, Ashley Felder and twin sisters Brianna and Sy’Mone Johnson, all of whom were freshmen at Oxford High School, were tragically killed in a car crash in Orion Township.
Since then, $35,263 (and counting) in donations has been collected to help cover funeral expenses for the teens, who lived in Pontiac, but began attending OHS in the fall through the district’s Schools of Choice program.
‘The outpouring has just been tremendous,? said OHS Principal Mike Schweig. ‘Everybody’s coming together to help these families out. It’s been phenomenal.?
Swartz Creek High School, a fellow member of the Flint Metro League located in Genesee County, held fund-raisers and donated $2,000 to the funeral fund.
‘It just shows the caring and compassion of not just the Oxford community, but the whole area here,? Schweig said.
Someone from Antioch, California sent a $30 check to the fund. A gentleman all the way the from Quebec, Canada saw the story on cable television and was ‘so moved,? he sent a $100 money order, according to OHS secretary Alyse Prince.
‘We’re getting donations sent from all over,? Schweig said.
Even local sports teams kicked in. The 1994 Oxford Wildcats Federation baseball team contributed $1,000 from its coffers.
Casa Real, a Mexican restaurant located in downtown Oxford, donated $1,493 to the funeral fund, which represents 20 percent of its Jan. 18 sales. On top of that, the restaurant’s owner, Alberto Pimentel, reached into his own pocket and donated $600.
Pimentel said he agreed to hold a fund-raiser for the girls? families after being approached with the idea by Shannon Groedl, an active member of the Daniel Axford/Oxford Elementary PTO.
‘I thought what if something like this happened to my children,? Groedl said. ‘It’s the least I could do.?
Groedl, who’s ‘all for Schools of Choice,? applauded the girls? parents for ‘their commitment to their children? by sending them to OHS.
‘Since we don’t do busing, these parents drove their kids to and from school everyday to better themselves,? she said.
The girls were being driven to school by Ashley’s mother when their car crashed.
Red Knapp’s American Grill also held a fund-raiser for the girls? families last week and collected nearly $400. ‘One guy gave $60 out of pocket,? said restaurant owner Brett Knapp.
When Knapp heard about the tragedy, he immediately knew he had to do something.
‘Certainly, my heart goes out to those families,? he said. ‘I have kids of my own, so it was kind of a no-brainer to do this.?
Funeral services for Felder were held on Monday, while services for Brianna and Sy’Mone were held Tuesday.
Alberto Pimentel, reached into his own pocket and donated $600.
Pimentel said he agreed to hold a fund-raiser for the girls? families after being approached with the idea by Shannon Groedl, an active member of the Daniel Axford/Oxford Elementary PTO.
‘I thought what if something like this happened to my children,? Groedl. said. ‘It’s the least I could do.?
Groedl, who’s ‘all for Schools of Choice,? applauded the girls? parents for ‘their commitment to their children? by sending them to OHS.
‘Since we don’t do busing, these parents drove their kids to and from school everyday to better themselves,? she said.
Red Knapp’s American Grill also held a fund-raiser for the girls? families last week and collected nearly $400.
‘One guy gave $60 out of pocket,? said Brett Knapp, owner of the downtown Oxford restaurant
When Knapp heard about the tragedy, he immediately knew he had to do something.
‘Certainly, my heart goes out to those families,? he said. ‘I have kids of my own, so it was kind of a no-brainer to do this.?
Funeral services for Felder were held on Monday, while services for Brianna and Sy’Mone were held Tuesday.