$5,250 for job descriptions

Independence Township Supervisor Pat Kittle needs a job description, so the Board of Trustees voted unanimously to pay $5,250 for the Metiss Group to develop one for the supervisor, as well as clerk and treasurer.
‘Right now we’ve got zero in terms of job descriptions and performance metrics, so anything to move us off that mark I think is good,? said Trustee DIndependence Township Supervisor Pat Kittle needs a job description, so the Board of Trustees voted unanimously to pay $5,250 for the Metiss Group to develop one for the supervisor, as well as clerk and treasurer.
‘Right now we’ve got zero in terms of job descriptions and performance metrics, so anything to move us off that mark I think is good,? said Trustee David Lohmeier during the regular meeting on Feb. 5.
The Metiss Group will not only aid the township in creating employee profiles, they will also develop metrics that can be used in performance evaluations.
Service will include sessions with behavior experts and township employees to develop a description of the activities and responsibilities associated with the positions. Then, they will create job profiles, which ‘describe the ideal workplace behaviors, motivators, and personal skills required to accomplish the job’s success factors,? according to their proposal.
‘Pat and I are brand new to this,? said Treasurer Paul Brown. ‘The idea that we could have a couple of really talented folks facilitate working with our people to help us develop what these positions should be I think really has the potential to have a lot of value,? he stated.
‘This is a way to keep all of our employees motivated,? Clerk Barb Pallotta explained. ‘This will enhance what we’re hoping to do when we bring in the HR person,? she added. Kittle talked with Orion Township Supervisor Chris Barnett about partnering to outsource Human Resources service, but no one has been hired yet.
While the $5,250 covers a pilot program for only the three full-time elected members of the board, the Metiss Group’s services may be used in the future to develop job descriptions and evaluation measurements for other township employees like department supervisors.
Find out more about the Metiss Group on http://themetissgroup.com. The Board of Trustees will meet again on March 5 at 7 p.m. at Township Hall.