9-1-1 tower location poor choice

Dear Editor,
(In response to ‘Commission OKs 9-1-1 tower on historic cemetery, church to vote Sunday,? The Citizen, July 9, page 1):
Recent events in Hadley Township have brought into question the motivation of the zoning board of appeals. At the July 5th meeting, plans for the land use to construct a 9-1-1 cell tower in the Christ Lutheran Church Cemetery on Hadley and Fox Lake Roads was considered. Against overwhelming public opposition to the placement of the tower, the township board voted unanimously to place a 250-foot high tower in a small cemetery next to residential properties with unacceptable setbacks. No one at the hearing was opposed to building the tower for public safety. But this location was a poor choice.
It was clear that the decision to place the tower on church property was made long before the public hearing. Public input was not a factor in the approval of the land use. No consideration for the people who live near the tower was given either. This was evident by the fact that the tower company and county could provide no alternative sites during the hearing. Again, the decision to use this location appeared to be made prior to the hearing and public input was not considered.
With at least three members of the Christ Lutheran Church functioning as township officials, it leaves me to wonder how objective this process was. Ultimately, the congregation made the correct decision to vote down this site and I am told alternate sites are now being considered.
The Hadley Township government is in place to protect all residents. In this case, the zoning board of appeals let my family down.
Gregory Hamilton