On January 6, 2025, the Township Board of the Charter Township of Brandon adopted Ordinance
No 202-25 as an amendment to Chapter 46, Zoning, of the Code of Ordinances, Article I, Definitions, and
Article X, signs.
The following is a summary, as prepared by Stuart B. Cooney, township attorney, of Ordinance
No. 202-25.
A true copy of the ordinance is on file and available for viewing by the public at the Brandon
Township Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 8:30
a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Wednesday 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Friday 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
In Ordinance 202-25 the Township revises its Code of Ordinances in response to the 2015
decision of the US Supreme Court in Reed v Town of Gilbert, AZ, 576 US 155 (2015), regarding sign
regulations and free speach.
There are two primary sections of the zoning ordinance addressed.
1. Amendment to Article I, Section 46-6 Definitions:
The base definition of “sign” has not changed. However, some descriptions of specific
signs have been modified or eliminated in support of content neutrality. A definition for
“Monument Sign” has been added.
2. Revised Article X.
A. Ordinance 202-25 restates Article X of the zoning ordinance.
B. Section modifications:
1) Section 46-445. Purpose and Intent – The purpose and intent described in this section
have been expanded significantly to recognize the need for sign regulation while also
addressing basic free speech rights under federal and state constitutions.
2) Section 46-446. Sign Regulations.
a) General Regulations.
This subsection has been restated to include a change regarding billboards
or off-premises signs.
b) Specifically prohibited signs.
This section remains substantially unchanged except for a minor
modification regarding abandoned signs.
3) Section 46-447. General Conditions.
a) The previous provision for “location” has been eliminated.
b) Previous terms regarding illumination remain substantially the same.
c) Exempt from permits.
This subsection has changed to add a provision for “temporary signs” and
remove reference to real estate and election signs.
4) Section 46-448 Ground Signs.
The General requirements for ground signs have not been substantively
changed, including minimum height and area requirements.
5) Section 46-449. Building Signs.
No substantive changes.
6) Section 46—450. Outdoor advertising signs as a principal land use.
This section has been modified to reduce the reference to “billboards”.
7) Section 46—451. Computation/Measurements remains unchanged.
8) Section 46—453. Temporary Signs.
This section now adds provisions for property owner permission,
expanded terms for election cycles, private property, and limitation on
duration. Prior provisions for construction signs, election signs, real
estate signs and temporary commercial signs have been removed.
9) Sections 46—453, 46—454, 46—455, 46—456, 46—457, 46—458 and 46—459
remain unchanged.
C. Ordinance 202-25 applies only to revised Article X, of the zoning ordinance and the new
definition added to Article I, section 46-6. All other provisions of Chapter 46 remain in full
force and effect. The new sections will apply upon publication of this summary, and persons
interested in the subject matter of the ordinance should review the text in its entirety before
taking any action.
Adopted: 1/6/2025
Published: 1/25/2025
Effective: 1/25/2025
Complete text of this ordinance is available at the Clerk’s office located at 395 Mill Street,
Ortonville, MI. For further information call 248-627-2851. Posted by Roselyn Blair, Brandon
Township Clerk