Other library options available for Groveland Township residents

To the editor:
As a relatively new resident to Groveland (six years), I hesitate to enter the fray over the Brandon Library not knowing the background to the Library evolution or the associated politics. But the recent furor has meant I can no longer keep ‘my peace?.
One of the greatest assets any community has is the library, and the services offered by Brandon Library are excellent. But now Groveland residents, and so I, have come to understand Groveland students can no longer withdraw books unless a fee is paid. however modest. So what you might ask? ALL the other services are still available from the library but now they are free!
Couldn’t some sensible negotiation between townships have resulted in say modest, affordable increases over the next five to seven years and avoided all this aggravation?
Groveland residents may already know, but the Holly library is free and will also issue you a ‘Mich card? with the many benefits this brings. The Davison library (Genesee County) has totally free services to Groveland residents due to a cooperative arrangement with Oakland County. The Clarkston library will allow usage of all services except withdrawal of sound and film media. Overall the facilities offered by these libraries is exceptional and well worth the little extra travel involved.
All this for the Groveland community and a loss of patronage and $26,000 by Brandon -who wins, who loses?

Barry Tooley