Letter to the Editor — Don’t make school name changes too complicated

The Clarkston School Board requested new name suggestions for the buildings currently known as Sashabaw Middle School and Clarkston Middle School. According to an article published in the September 22, 2004 Clarkston News, ‘The majority of those making suggestions offered ‘Sashabaw Middle School?…and ‘Clarkston Junior High School.? This is the simplest solution, there are no ‘new? buildings but new functions. If we are interested in maintaining historical tradition, lets leave the names as they are, but with better definition as to function.
The past changes in grade levels for particular buildings has created enough confusion, the ‘old? Clarkston Middle School vs the ‘new? Clarkston Middle School, the ‘old? Clarkston High School which is now the new Clarkston Middle School, etc. Why make things more complicated than they need to be?
Vicki Navarre