COG does good work for community

Dear Editor:
Although I’m not one of the 500 plus members of Citizens for Orderly Growth, I have watched their efforts over the years. I have always felt that they worked and spoke for me and for the good of the entire community.
So I was startled to read the letter saying that the voice of more than 500 citizens should be ignored (‘Don’t let a few rule the will of the many,? Sept. 20). In these times, when so many of us are too busy with everyday life to participate in public issues, it is truly remarkable that more than 500 people find the time and energy to participate.
It is particularly impressive that COG does not oppose all development, realizing that our community will and should continue to grow. I agree with COG that development should be done in a way that seeks to preserve the essential nature of our delightful community. The kind of participation that COG represents makes our community special and is terrific. It cannot and should not be ignored.
Thank you, COG. Keep up the good work.
Donald Simpson
Independence Township