Brandon swim

The Brandon Girls Swim team defeated Oxford Oct. 18 with an overall score of 126-62.
In the 200-yard freestyle, Stephanie Peck took first and Caitlan Williams placed second; 200-yard individual medley Brandons? Shea Penny took second; 50-yard freestyle Shannon Penix placed first and Amber Sicherman second; 1-meter diving Meghan Renner placed first, and JoMarie Droste had second. Kaitlin Grost took first in the 100-yard freestyle and Shannon Penix took second. In the 500-yard freestyle, Stephanie Peck came in first. Jessica Nutter came in first in the 100-yard backstroke and Tara Bartle came in second. Kaitlin Gorst took first and Caitlan Williams took second in the 100-yard backstroke. Nov. 2-3 the girls will compete in the Flint Metro League Meet.