Christmas giving:Toys for older tots

Ortonville- When people think of Toys for Tots, often they think of toddlers and small children.
But this year, Margaret Lee hopes they will think of what a child in the 7-12 year-old age range might enjoy and perhaps donate something for them to the Ortonville Community Emergency Fund.
‘When thinking about making a donation for the OCEF toy store, maybe they can buy something for someone a little older, instead of the cute pushcar or teddy bear,? said Lee, OCEF treasurer. ‘We want things for the younger children, but we don’t want the older children to be forgotten. It becomes a challenge. Please think about them when you shop.?
OCEF organizes a toy store every Christmas season where parents in need can select toys donated by the community for their children. This year, OCEF expects to have nearly 160 children from infants to 12-years-old who will receive toys.
‘Our numbers have been increasing,? says Lee. ‘The idea of the toy store is to give people dignity and let them make their own choices for their children. We just want everyone to be able to get something.?
But last year, age appropriate toys for 7-12-year-olds were scarce. This year, Lee is hoping donors consider board games, books, and toys for this age range. Items that would be appropriate include hair care, costume jewelry, handheld games, Barbie dolls, Legos, building sets, athletic equipment, make-up, mirrors, collectors cars, cds, dvds, and radios.