Lesson learned in Brandon

To the editor:
We commend the decision to reinstate Dr. Michael H. Ferguson as principal of Brandon High School. (‘BHS Principal returns to work; issues addressed, resolved,? The Citizen , Page 1 Feb.2)
At the same time, we deplore the actions that have led to the need to reinstate him.
It is evident from Superintendent Thomas Miller’s own statements on the matter that the initial demotion/transfer of Dr. Ferguson was made impetuously and capriciously. The time for addressing issues of ‘miscommunication and philosophical differences? is long before’not after’a decision is made. The heavy-handed actions of Superintendent Miller, his rush to judgment, and his failure to involve and communicate effectively with appropriate parties clearly call into question his fitness as a leader of our schools. It is abundantly clear that Superintendent Miller’s performance and his fitness for this position be given careful deliberation by the Brandon Board of Education and the citizens of the community.
In the best traditions of our republic, the students of Brandon High School stood up for principle by standing up for their principal. Had they not acted, the laudable accomplishments and the reputation of a fine administrator would have been unfairly damaged and the school and the community would be the lesser for it.
We hope that the roles have been reversed at Brandon High School and that the superintendent and the community have learned a lesson from our students about common human decency, fair play, and integrity.

Bill & Marcy Haney