Miller, board should be commended

To the editor:
Enough is enough. What are we teaching our children by petitioning the removal of a extremely competent superintendent who has helped us recover from the debacle before him?
Mr. Miller has eliminated past problems, including bad morale, negative employee/employer relations, loss of good employees, multiple union grievances and arbitrations.
Will the petition to recall Mr. Miller include the entire Brandon School Board who supported the original decision of reassigning Dr. Ferguson?
Through a parent and student uprising, the school board realized the decision was controversial and reexamined the issue which resulted in the reinstatement of Dr. Ferguson.
I appreciate the excellent job the Brandon Board of Education and Mr. Miller has done for us. I also respect the possible confidentiality of the situation. Therefore, the lesson we should be teaching our children is, to err is human. The board and Mr. Miller should be commended on recognizing your concerns and correcting the problem.
Mr. Miller has shown time and time again in all of my dealings with him that he cares about the students, employees and district. Debbie Allen
Brandon Schools employee