The answer is a good education

Dear Editor,
Schools today are faced with many problems and Goodrich schools are no different.
We have special needs issues, communication issues, curriculum issues, state and federal mandate issues, but no issue looms larger than funding. There is an Operating Millage Proposal on this May’s ballot; it should be passed.
In times like these it is never easy to ask for money but we simply cannot afford to let educational funding deteriorate if given the choice. The district is in a deficit spending situation, and failure to pass the proposal will exacerbate this problem.
Now more than ever we need to maintain our commitment to educate our children at the very least to current levels. Yes, it would be nice to a have a federal government that understood and helped, state legislators who listened and acted, but we don’t, so it remains up to you and me to help see that this gets done.
I believe that now more than ever as a community, as a state, and as a nation we should be doing more to increase our educational and training expertise. Globalization is not going away and we must prepare our children and ourselves to compete and continue to lead. A good education is the answer.
Please vote yes.
Mark Griffiths