?80s bands back on stage

More than 30 years into his music career, Martin Fry still considers himself an apprentice.
‘In music, you make lot of mistakes, but eventually you get it right,? said Fry, lead singer for early-MTV favorite ABC. ‘This is a great honor and a privilege. It’s a great feeling to be on stage.?
ABC joins fellow ?80s bands The Human League, Belinda Carlisle, A Flock of Seagulls and Naked Eyes, for the Regeneration Tour, Sunday, Aug. 24, at DTE Music Theater.
‘It will be like a human juke box ? all the acts collectively have a lot of hit records to perform,? said Fry in a phone interview this past June.
‘It’s interesting ? when you get five acts together, they all pretend they’re all very mature, left all that chasing the number one song behind, but in reality it makes for a great show, great energy there.?
The 1980s were a time when performers experimented with visuals for their music on MTV, he said.
‘Making videos in the early days, you were more free to do what you wanted ? that’s part of the appeal,? he said.
‘People do love the big choruses, the big hair, big shoulder pads of the 1980s.?
The videos live on through the Internet, something Fry, with two teenage children, tries to take in stride.
‘In 1982, when I decided to wear a gold lame? suit and have a parrot in a video, I never thought it would haunt me 25 years later, but what can you do? No regrets,? he said.
Of the original ABC lineup of Fry, David Palmer, Mark White, Stephen Singleton, and Mark Lickley, Fry and White will perform at DTE.
‘It’s priceless to stand on stage in 2008 and feel the audience,? Fry said.
‘It’s been a long journey. I needed to find my inspiration again. I found it playing live ? these days, putting out a new record, new music, that’s icing on the cake.?
Doors open at 5:30 p.m., show starts at 7 p.m. Tickets are $34.50 pavilion, $10 lawn. Call 248-645-6666.