Hunting comments ill-mannered, ridiculous

Dear Editor:
(In response to John Frazier’s letter, ‘Hunting a right’but not right,? The Citizen, Oct. 25, page 6.)
Mr. Frazier, as an avid hunter that happens to work in an environment of mostly non-hunters, I hear your type of comments all the time. I had to laugh to myself reading your stereotypical anti-hunting opinions regarding the sport of hunting until I reached the last paragraph. That was a completely ill-mannered comment that is attempting to classify all hunters as a bunch of Animal House frat boys armed with rifles going into the woods on a killing spree. I can’t believe The Citizen actually highlighted this ridiculous comment. For 20-plus years my ‘deer camp? has always been a time to be with my friends and family and enjoy our tradition. I will someday be more proud of my son/daughter harvesting his/her first deer, than blowing off some character’s head with a sniper rifle in a Grand Theft Auto video game. And always remember, it is my right to hunt and that makes everything right.
Scott Conger