Dear Editor:
‘O’Ville,? What is this? Is it a new town? Or is it that someone doesn’t know where the letters ‘R, T, O and N? are on the keyboard?
We are very proud of our community and village. To continually degrade Ortonville by abbreviating it in another local paper and in the Pontiac daily paper is very disturbing.
I do not understand why more residents are not bothered by this misuse of our name. Maybe we will just be the ‘B’Hawks, B.F. Department, O’Council, P? Bella’s, B? Frogs or the V’Pub.? Why would we want our leaders and our children thinking this is what we are?
I would hope the other weekly newspaper rethinks their misuse of our name. I don’t think our founder (Amos Orton), who surely struggled to develop our community, ever thought we would look at ourselves as ‘O’Ville.? David Borst
Robert McArthur