Residents are due for another sewer-rate soaking by the county. But how much is hard to figure, said Linda Richardson, Department of Public Works director.
Oakland County charges Independence Township based on usage, but the township charges residents a flat rate, Richardson said.
“That makes it very difficult to bill, apples to apples,? she told the Township Board, Jan. 20.
Independence Township is part of the Clinton/Oakland sanitary sewer system, created in 1972. Billing was originally based on the flat-rate Residential Equivalent Unit.
In 2007, Oakland County started billing the township based on actual flow rate. However, the township still charges customers per REU, which makes it hard to calculate, Richardson said.
‘I can calculate what my revenue is going to be, but I can’t calculate my expenditure because it is based on flow,? she said.
The City of Detroit Sewerage Department passed on a 24-percent increase to Independence Township in May 2008, to cover the cost of new Oakland Macomb interceptors. The township increased REUs by $3.22 per quarter, increasing it $61.50 to $64.74. Richardson noted they are anticipating another 16 percent increase in July of this year.
REUs make it easier for the township to calculate its budget, but charging by usage is fairer, she said.
Customers who have wells will be exempt, and businesses will continue to pay a flat rate based on REU. The township will offer secondary meters for irrigation, but will charge for installation, she said.
‘We still have 2,000 customers we’re trying to get new electronic meters put in for,? she said.
The Township Board authorized up to $4,800 for Plante Moran to complete a flow-rate sewer study.