New pastor ready to grow with church

The Church of the Resurrection in Clarkston has a new pastor, the Rev. Frederick R. Engdahl Jr.
Originally from Escanaba, he has been out of state for about 20 years. He returned to Michigan because of the opportunity to be at the church. His wife is originally from Redford, and he has a lot of friends and family in this area, he said.
‘For our children, we wanted to move back somewhere we could put down roots. Our home state seemed like a good place to do that,? he said.
Engdahl was able to consider openings and interview for a place at a church, he said.
‘In the Episcopal Church, clergy are like free agents. We seek employment and then we interview, not like the Catholic Church or Methodist where they are placed,? Engdahl said.
They were looking for someone to grow and develop the church, and he thought he had the skills to do that, he said.
‘Early on in the interviewing process, it’s kind of hush-hush. The search committee is aware of the candidates but the congregation isn’t,? he said.
Engdahl enjoys working with clergy in Clarkston, and this is a good area for growth, he said.
‘There seems to be a real good rapport with clergy in the Clarkston Ministerial Association, and I’ve enjoyed meeting some of the other clergy and I look forward to working with them,? he said.
Engdahl and his family enjoy the Clarkston area and the outdoors.
‘We all canoe and kayak and camp. We’ve enjoyed closer proximity to those types of activities. We’re not far from up north but we’re close enough to Detroit to be part of the urban activities as well,? he said.
The congregation is very active, and he is trying to identify programs that will bring in new members, he said.
‘People are really involved in the church. Also in a number of organizations within the community. Case in point, a number of women in the congregation are going to be involved in Relay for Life, the American Cancer Society on May 9. And the majority of those women are cancer survivors. And they’re been working really hard to raise funds.”
During Lent, they offer the Reel Theology movie series. The men’s group Hammer and Nails meets monthly to complete service projects around the church. The church is also looking into establishing a concert series with folk musicians.
‘And those are artists who can build bridges between ? but really speak and sing clearly about spirituality. Not necessarily religion but spirituality in a wider sense,? Engdahl said.
A folk musician from Minnesota performs on May 9 at the church, 6490 Clarkston Road.