Brownies help out

First Grade Brownie Troop #3354 demonstrated living by the Girl Scout Law when they ‘Made the World a Better Place? on Wednesday, May 13.
Under the supervision of Co-Leader Sandra Rahman, they were able to get local businesses to donate three trees. The girls planted them on the grounds of Paint Creek Elementary School, which lost several trees over the past years.
The Brownies also made tie-bag purses for breast cancer patients who receive chemotherapy treatments in a Lake Orion center. The girls filled each bag with a book, journals, pens, mints, gum, chapstick and lotion.
Their leader, Sheri Rourke, often reminds the girls that they are are never too young to show the world that they care and that they can always find a way to help any situation or any cause, and that they will always make a profound difference in lifes of those they help.