Thank you Goodrich

(In response to:’Costly kidney treatment prompts fundraiser for Hempton,? The Citizen, July 18, page 3.)
Dear Editor,
My wife Becky and I thank everyone that contributed so generously to the recent fundraiser sponsored by Cranberries Cafe in Goodrich.
Dick Horton and his band, along with Frank Weatherbee as the emcee, helped make the day very enjoyable for everyone.
After a lengthy hospital stay due to kidney failure and dialysis treatments for the past two months, I am starting to show signs of improvement. With all that we have been through these past two months, everyone’s love and support helped get us through this very difficult time, and for that we are very grateful to everyone.
Kevin & Becky Hempton

Dear editor,
On May 6, the annual school elections occurred. In addition to electing two school board representatives, the community approved the ‘Headlee override? request, which allows the district to assess the full 18 mills of property tax on non-homestead properties.
This assessment is essential, as any lost revenue in this area is not reimbursed by the state, but is a direct reduction in budgeted revenue to the district. The Board of Education and administration appreciates the continued support of the community in passing this issue and would like to extend a sincere thank you.

Michael Tripp, President
Board of Education Goodrich Area Schools