Local artist exhibits ‘Wall of Faces?

Artist Donella Reese Vogel of Independence Township presents “A Wall of Faces,” an array of 32 paintings assembled in a 5×8 foot presentation, Oct. 2-24 at Arnold Klein Gallery, 32782 Woodward, Royal Oak.
‘Three years ago I decided to make a portrait of my dealer, Arnold Klein, in the tradition of artists painting those who have supported their career,” Vogel said. “The 14×11 inch canvas is a perfect proportion for a head and almost shoulder, .just enough room to show the tie which Arnold is famous for wearing even while gardening.”
Her idea then developed of a series of portraits of people important in her life, family, friends, neighbors, classmates, and colleagues, she said.
“I would ask each person to look at me. I did not select apparel or glasses or hats or jewelry. The color surrounding each subject is cued from his or her clothing,” she said.
“Each portrait is my view of how each person ‘faces ? or presents himself to the world. At first I envisioned a chronological row of portraits, but eventually I began to see the individual portraits as compositional elements, the faces and colors part of an assembled presentation, a wall of faces, a quilt of relationships and a portrait of the people I know, the people of my time.”
The exhibit opens Friday, Oct. 2, 6-8 p.m. Gallery hours are Tuesday-Saturday, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. For more information, call 248-647-7709 or check arnoldkleingallery.com or donellareesevogel.com.