Daisy Girl Scout Troop 74010 collected and delivered about 20 pairs of boots and 12 pair of socks for the Baldwin Center in Pontiac for their Christmas service project.
The scouts received a tour of the Baldwin Center, including its after school program rooms, soup kitchen, and the room where homeless folks leave their blankets and pillows for safe keeping every night, said Troop Leader Maureen Netherland.
“The girls learned that at times, like last Friday, the center will serve as many as 300 people for lunch,” Netherland said.
The human services agency provides more than 25 programs to feed, clothe, educate, and empower those in need in the community. It includes a family kitchen, youth programs, clothing closet and counseling. For more information, check www.baldwincenter.org/mission.htm.
The troop, seven first-graders at Bailey Lake Elementary, meet once a month at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Lake Orion.