City sends millage proposal to voters

Clarkston City Council voted 6-0 to approve for city residents to have the opportunity to vote in the August primary to raise the city millage from 15 mills up to 20 mills.
Due to the Headlee amendment this amount actually being levied is 13.2 to 18.2.
The additional five mills would raise approximately $220,000 when first levied in 2010.
“So as to provide necessary funds for the City operations, including but not limited to police, law enforcement services,” stated the resolution.
According to City Attorney Tom Ryan in order for the amendment to be considered for the August ballot it needs approval from both the Govenor as well as the Attorney General’s office right away in order to make the May 26 deadline.
Mike Gawronski and Peg Roth were absent. See the next addition of the Clarkston New for more details and councilmembers comments.