Dear Editor,
You’ve printed a couple of letters from Pat O’Shea over the last few weeks and it seems to me that there is a lot of finger pointing at problems and absolutely no solutions being suggested (The Citizen, May 1,8). I fully support a critical look at the decisions of our school and public administrators’things are tough right now and we should all be part of the process for the good our community. However, I think it is just as important’maybe more so’to suggest actionable answers to problems and volunteer to take part in the necessary change.
Bravo to the soccer teams for bringing their perspectives forward, but I think it’s sad that an adult community member put the students in the position of having to defend themselves. Shame on O’Shea for setting an example of criticism without any real solutions.
It’s been said that you can’t shake hands with a clenched fist. Criticism alone only creates a bunch of clenched fists. We need more clenched fists like we need more problems!
Patty Cox