Schools should foster growth

Dear editor,
I love Lake Orion Schools. The schools are the reason my family moved here 10 years ago.
I volunteer and work at the schools. The teachers and staff never cease to amaze me with their concern and dedication to our children.
As a parent, a member of this community and an employee, what does concern me is the current trend. I feel there is a lack of openness and communication of intent.
This leaves the space for the rumor mills to start cranking out half-truths.
Am I concerned for my job as a food service employee? Sure, who wouldn’t be with all the districts around us privatizing.
But my main job is to bring up a well-rounded, caring individual who is able to contribute in a meaningful way to the future.
Please keep Lake Orion and its schools the place to foster that growth.
Thank you,
-Amy Tunison