Altar makeover

The Rev. Msgr. John Zenz, episcopal vicar of the Archdiocese of Detroit, presided at the dedication of St. Daniel Church’s new altar furnishings at a special 1 p.m. Mass, Nov. 21.
‘The ceremony is rich in symbolism, inspiration and filled with the power of the Holy Spirit,? said Fr. Christopher Maus.
The $670,000 project included new stone aisle flooring, new carpeting under the pews, new cherry wood pews, enhanced lighting, new altar furnishings ? altar, ambo podium, Baptismal font and presider’s chair ? improved water sprinklers, new sound system and new artwork, including limestone Beatitudes and a large baptismal piece incorporated into the baptismal font.
The former glass back wall was eliminated and seating extended into the former gathering space to provide additional seating, particularly for holiday celebrations and crowded Masses. The baptismal font was moved toward the back, in keeping with church standards to welcome the newly-baptized into the church.
The church, on Holcomb Road at Miller, was constructed in 1981 for the parish, which was established in 1961.