By Lance Farrell
Leader Staff Writer
The Oxford High School Robotics team returned victorious from the 2012 FIRST Robotics District competition held in Livonia, MI on March 30-31. They now advance to the Michigan State Competition at Eastern Michigan University on April 12-14.
In addition to a trip to the state finals, the OHS team bested forty competitors to take home the coveted Chairman’s Award. This was the first year that OHS has applied for the Chairman’s Award.
Team TORC secured their Regional victory through a superior robot design which garnered them the most points in a robot basketball tournament. The accrued points ensured their entry to the state final, but the Chairman’s award was granted to recognize an excellence that extends beyond mere engineering.
As advisor and OHS teacher Philip Kimmel explains it, the Chairman’s Award indicates the judges recognized an overall presentation that addresses broader institutional goals that come only from a balanced skill set. At OHS engineering students work alongside computer science and public relation students. In other words, ‘the robotics team isn’t only for science nerds,? Kimmel jokes.
Team TORC members are Stephanie Ann Chizmodia, Brandon Cooley, Forrest Fox, Eric Giese, Sean Gilmore, Adam Kemp, Devon King, Boomer Logan, Lewis Marshall, Wes McBride, Connor McGarry, Austin Newby, Nick Ottoy, Sophia Pei, Matt Reed, Julia Reynolds, Nick Romano, Aidan Schieber, Laura Schimmel, Drew Sedam, Titus Shumaker, Austin Sliter, Paul Tomaka, David Wagner, Adam Womble, Jenny Yell, Richard Bowen Yang, Yao Hansen and Evan Zhang.
According to Communications Director Linda Lewis, the Chairman’s Award is an honor bestowed on the team that ‘best represents a model for other teams to emulate and (that) best embodies the purpose and goals of FIRST.? The judges especially appreciated the increased involvement of female members and the team’s work with charities.
To apply for the Chairman’s Award, candidates must compose a presentation consisting of written essays, photographs, interviews, video, and an oral presentation.
Kimmel stressed the college credit awarded by both Kettering and Lawrence Tech for the courses he is teaching. Students interested in participating should speak to their academic advisors.