Teens & Seniors Rocking & Raking

It’s been a decade now that Brandon Township Clerk Jeannie McCreery organized a few teens and started helping out some local senior citizens.
‘The program just grew,? said McCreery. ‘We have a great response from the community’four years ago we formed Teens & Seniors Rocking & Raking’each year it just gets better.?
On April 28 about 100 volunteers participated in the daylong event providing senior citizen or disabled adults some help in cleaning up yards, washing windows and completion of minor chores.
‘We bring out lawn furniture and a few years ago we started washing windows in the homes of seniors,? said McCreery. ‘Just think about it’seniors stepping on a ladder and losing their balance when they try to wash windows. It’s a major request.?
This year 31 area senior citizen residents were attended to during the event.
‘It’s been a wonderful program,? she said. ‘We’ve helped seniors, but the program also gives other people the opportunity to feel good about helping others. You just can’t manufacture that. Sometimes teens have blisters on their hands from raking’still they say how much they love working and helping others. It’s really a gift we give to our children.?
To assist or donate with Teens and Seniors, Rocking and Raking yard cleanup project 2013 contact Annette at the Edna Burton Senior Center, 248-627-6447 or Jeannie at 248-627-2851.