Letter to the Editor: Kensington ‘thanks? Pee Wee Patch

Dear Editor,
On behalf of the hundreds of women who have passed through Kensington Community Church’s Evening Insight’s Bible Study I would like to personally thank Pee Wee Patch Child Care Center in Lake Orion for opening their doors to us these past two years.
The commitment to Pee Wee Patch owners and staff have shown to our community is unparalleled. Week after week they not only allow us to use their entire downstairs facility for individual groups and speakers, but also lovingly tend to our frequent needs for everything from extension cords to coffee suplies.
Since our participants come from as far away as Lapeer to Clarkston to Rochester it is wonderful to have such a warm welcome from a Lake Orion centered business.
We would like to personally thank Operations Director Kristi Spear for her innovative thinking when approached with the idea of letting us in every Monday night. We would also like to thank Program Director Traci Cunningham for pointing us to Pee Wee Patch in the first place and staying after her small group each week to help us lock up.
And we would be very remiss if we didn’t mention what wonderful Pee Wee Patch staff take our local kids. It’s no surprise that they welcome us with such warmth and care. Just look at how many boys and girls have found a loving home away from home at Pee Wee Patch year after year. Hats off to a great local business.
Ann Wade Thompson,
Kensington Insights Bible Study