Dirty politics in township races

Several Todd Waring supporters received shocking letters about their favored supervisor candidate in the mail over the weekend. While the envelopes postmarked July 27 had Waring’s return address in the corner, the supervisor candidate says he didn’t send any such correspondence to his supporters.
In fact, Waring has contacted the Oakland County Sheriff’s department, hired a private investigator, and a handwriting specialist to find out who is behind the mysterious letters. According to Waring, the messages question his background in law enforcement and include personal attacks along with ‘nonfactual allegations.?
‘We’re doing everything we can to find the responsible party,? Waring said. ‘This is an attempt to sabotage my campaign and give the township a black eye,? he stated. He believes the person behind the letters found Waring’s list of supporters by looking at his campaign finance reports, which are available for the public to view online.
‘This squabbling is a perfect example of why I want to be supervisor,? Waring said.
The ugly turn the election has taken doesn’t only involve letter-writing, said Waring. His large, $200 banner, which hung on private property across from Township Hall has been taken down.
Trustee candidate Jose Aliaga has also noticed signs missing and is offering a $100 reward for the three signs once posted on the corner of Clarkston and Clintonville roads. ‘That’s not a good thing to do,? said Aliaga of those taking down his campaign signs.