Pregnant voter welcomes boy

Longtime Oxford resident Angela (Forte) Ball’s vote didn’t succeed in putting her candidate, Republican Mitt Romney, in the White House, but she succeeded in bringing a brand new life into the world.
Last week, the Leader reported on how a very-pregnant Ball voted in the Nov. 6 general election despite the fact she was having contractions and even told precinct workers she was in labor.
This week, the Leader is pleased to announce that Ball gave birth to a bouncing baby boy named Levi John Ball.
However, little Levi won’t remember Election Day as his birthday because he didn’t come into this world until 4:46 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 8 at Troy Beaumont Hospital.
‘Once I found out that Romney was not going to win, I couldn’t deliver that night,? joked Angela, who’s a staunch Republican and pro-life supporter. ‘There was no way I was having my baby on that day.?
‘She had serious contractions on Monday and Tuesday,? explained her husband, Arthur Ball. ‘She didn’t have contractions on Wednesday, but she was feeling off.?
When Angela, a 1997 Oxford High School graduate, visited the doctor on Tuesday ? following the performance of her civic duty ? he told her ‘not yet.?
‘I seriously thought I was going to the hospital that day,? Angela said.
Afraid she’d miss the election if she had to deliver that day, Angela made her way to Oxford Veterans Memorial Civic Center and cast her ballot.
‘That’s my right as a United States citizen,? she said. ‘It’s very important to me to make my voice heard.?
When he finally arrived two days later, Levi weighed 9 pounds, 10 ounces and measured 23 inches in length.
‘He had a full head of dark hair and was very healthy,? Arthur said.
At home, Levi was welcomed by brothers Jacob, a third-grader at Lakeville Elementary; Abraham, 4; and Ezekiel, 2?. Sister Isabella, a first-grader at Lakeville Elementary, was also there to greet the little guy.
Levi’s proud grandparents are John and Mary Forte, of Oxford, and Terry and Lila Ball, of Waterford.
Angela can take heart that although her vote didn’t help put Romney over the top, she’s now produced five future voters who could one day help the GOP recapture the presidency.
Forget PAC money, campaign ads and spin doctors ? never underestimate the political influence of motherhood.