Girls Scouts build recycling bin for FISH

While doing community service at Orion/Oxford FISH, Lake Orion Girl Scout Troop 13018 discussed issues that could be improved at FISH with pantry coordinator Sandy Klersy.
One issue discussed was the recycling system and the bins being used. Since the trash and recycling were getting mixed, someone would always have to sort it.
This was creating a minimal effort to recycle.
The troop agreed to build the recycling bin for FISH for their Girl Scout Silver Award.
To build the recycling bin the troop had to learn the size of the space where the recycling bin would go, buy the supplies to build the bin, and then build it. It took four months to complete building the project while learning many new carpentry skills and working around many busy schedules. After it was built, it was stained and signed by the troop.
Once the bin was completed, the troop delivered it to FISH. The recycling bin is encouraging continued and more efficient recycling at FISH.
The Girl Scout Silver Award is the highest service award that Cadette level Girl Scouts can earn.
These girls have worked over the three years of Cadettes to meet the requirements and earn the Award. The girls are all currently in the eighth grade.