Icers set for 22 game season

By Leslie Batoha
Review Special Writer
The Dragon icers are back with a new and improved hockey team this year, and they are ready to dominate their 22 game season.
“We are a year older and more experienced,” Head Coach Nick Field said.
The team’s captains Jordan Stross, Zach Line, Alex Giwa and Ryan Szydlowski have led the team to a 7-1 record.
But it was not just the team’s captains leading the players. “We have a pretty good team, so we rely on a lot of players,” Coach Field said.
In addition to the seniors, freshman Jack Barker had seemed to prove himself on the ice.
“He’s solid,” Giwa said. “It’s a really big step for him, but he’ll be a really good goalie by his senior year.”
So far all members of the hockey team have done very well, including an 8-0 shutout of South Lyon.
Field said the team learned from some of its losses last season.
“Last year we had a lot of one goal losses and ties, which I think helped the guys learn what it takes to turn those close games into wins.”
The Dragons were playing at the HockeyTown Winter Festival against Clarkston on December 18 at Comerica Park.